August Newsletter

The August Newsletter is ready and being distributed by our amazing block reps in the next few days. Please take a moment to get to know you block rep when he/she is visiting and thank them for their work.

Click this link to access the digital version of the newsletter: August 2018 Newsletter

Please reach out to the board our your block rep if you have any questions or are interested in participating in SFCC.

New wood fence at BTC

You surely noticed that a new wood fence was installed this May on the north-east corner of the BTC property. SFCC pressed the City of Bellevue for details on this project and the City responded indicating they were going to have BTC submit a Land Use Exemption for the project. The official reasoning and approval from the city ( Dated July 23, 2018) can be found here:  18-119396-lj-bellevue-technology-center-fence

For this and other Land Use related topics visit our Land Use section.